I got the opportunity this year to design the GYC Theme logo for 2025. This logo is about the theme of Moses and his journey trusting God. Moses could not see him but he trusted him.
This logo was inspired by the interaction Moses had with God during the burning bush. Exodus 3:13-14 Moses asked God What he should say to those who asked “what is His name?” God answered “tell them I AM sent you”. At first you don’t see it but in the flames of the logo it spells “I AM”. Once you see it, you can’t unsee it.
GYC is a movement of young people who yearn to demonstrate Nehemiah’s leadership, Daniel’s integrity, Mary’s humility, Paul’s passion for evangelism, and Christ’s love for God and humanity.
GYC aims to mobilize existing youth and young adult ministries that are fully committed to the distinctive message and mission of the Adventist Church towards the proclamation of the Three Angels’ Messages.